Using the Reports window

The Reports window displays a summary of all reports currently defined for a survey. A report consists of a list of instructions that tell the report what text, graphics and analyses are used in the report and how to lay them out.

To open the Reports window, click ReportsIcon.png on the toolbar, press Ctrl+H or select Reports from the View menu.

Default reports in reports dialog


A unique ID for the report. This can be any name used to identify it


Whether the report will be visible once the survey has been published (this allows you to set which reports people can see)


A brief description of the report, seen when online.


The number of separate instructions in the report

Toolbar buttons


Menu Option




Edit | New

Ctrl + N

Create a new report.


Edit | Clone

Ctrl + O

Clone/copy an existing report to create a new report.


Edit | Delete


Delete an existing report.



View details of an individual report.


Edit | Cut

Ctrl + X

Delete report and place data on the clipboard.


Edit | Copy

Ctrl + C

Copy report and place data on the clipboard.


Edit | Paste

Ctrl + V

Create report from data held on the clipboard.


Edit | Run


Execute (run) or check the current report.


File | Print Report

Ctrl + P

Produce a report on the contents of the Reports window.


View|Sources and Dependents


Open the Sources/Dependents dialog to show what variables, reports and analyses are required by the selected report and which other reports require the selected report.




Open the Define external filters and contexts dialog

Report definition

The Report definition dialog is used to define the instructions in a report and the data the report will run on. A report is built up from a series of instructions that can then be executed, in full or in part, to create the report.


Enter a unique name for the report consisting of a letter followed by up to fifteen letters or digits. Snap generates a default name beginning RP.

Display Name

This shows how the report name will be displayed on Snap Online.


The number of instructions in the report.


Enter a description of the report. For example “Analysis of all questions by Age”, “Analysis of all questions: January to June”.


Set the context the report will be generated for in Snap. Enter the name of a variable or a context data set to produce a report for each possible code value of the variable or combination of values in the set.

Leave blank to use the current global context.


Enter a filter expression for the case data used in the report for example, to produce analysis for a particular month or region. Leave blank to use all cases.

Enter a variable name to produce a set of reports filtered on each possible value code of the variable.


Specify the conditions in which the report will be visible in Snap Online. Leave empty to always provide the report.

Add Index

Set to On to add an index of all the analyses on the last page of the report.

Skip Empty

Set to On to omit any instruction for which there is no data (e.g. an empty chart).

Instruction list

A summary of the instructions in the report, giving their sequence number, their type, and a descriptive title entered when the instruction was created.
